Saturday, February 18, 2006

JFO blues::::::::::::;;

JFO blues::::::::::::;;

Ok.. back to the JFO again. You gotta love this place. Prim donnas, divas, drama masters… and morons. Oh My!! In a way the JFO is a place where people that are not able to be out on their own for some reason do tasks for FEMA. The secretary for the Travel group (either the 5th or 6th one I remember) cannot be bothered to hang up her perpetual cell phone conversation to answer the FEMA phone that is ringing off the hook four inches from her elbow………… This would be a local hire that is not long for FEMA land.. :-D There are confusing signs.. one says “Please do not Touch” and is taped to a glass window of the escalator well to the second floor. Now this sign is 6 or 8 feet away from a very nice 3D table model of New Orleans ….. and I am wondering if the sign means that model… or the glass wall it is mounted on… hmmmmm In November coffee was $0.25 a cup in the cafeteria (you could bring your own cup too) with free refills.. today it is a buck a cup regardless and no outside cups allowed. Almost no one eats there these days and leaves campus to eat which creates these gigantic traffic jams at noon and one. I will also tell of one style trend that I have found amazing……..:::::: Lets call them extremely large women….. wearing tiny little strapped shoes on four inch heels….this looks SO precarious.. SO precarious… I have no idea how they walk anywhere much less from the parking lot to our work area…. I keep expecting a wreck someday.. something just HAS to give there but no.. they make those heels tough…and I am thinking these women are very athletic to be able to do that trick.

FEMA made available these shell jackets with reflective armbands and the word FEMA in reflective strips on the back of the jacket for work in the field… hundreds of them. They have become known as “Target Jackets” after a few incidents in places outside the JFO and few people will now wear them in public……..

All the DAE’s like me that are not converting to this “CORE” designation (full time with benefits for 3-5 years) are plotting our departure. Most of us are running out of gas for this particular adventure as most of the charm has worn off after all this time. I am still having fun and have found lots to make my days happy here but spent part of the morning looking for houses to live in Colorado Springs. (Rents have gone down!! Yay!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you will be coming home soon.

I hope you had a nice V-Day.


3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get back to work and quit checking out women's feet.

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Friend, hope you are doing well, Haven't had much chance to chat with you lately;)

6:37 PM  

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