Thursday, November 10, 2005

Today I sat at the help desk near the front door. This desk has phones for the receptionist for this whole place as well as the walk up help desk. People with problems for anything walk up to the help desk and make a paper ticket for help on their issue. This is quite familiar but instead of wearing a head set taking phone calls, the people walk up to the front desk and talk to you directly about their issues. (yes.. shoot me now)…… Same issues to deal with but with the addition of all the spin these folk want to let go of for their frustrations of the working day…….

Speaking of which, there is a stress reduction center upstairs, and a cubby for a set of conflict resolution specialists who apparently help people resolve differences without resorting to name calling, finger pointing and rolling around on the floor. There is an on staff doctor, (hopefully not one of the ones discussing euthanasia in New Orleans during the Hurricane) and Nurses everywhere with ibuprofrin, Neosporin and bandaids as well as stuff for flu symptoms. There are tens of thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer on every level surface and everyone is constantly applying this to try to reduce the amount of contamination you get. Since I spend all day with my hands on other peoples computers (keyboards are the nastier than a toilet seat according to “Mythbusters””) I use this alcohol based gel by the gallon it seems.. it is very good for removing the dead skin from my hands… For those of you that know me and my terminally dry and scaley hands….. the humidity here plus the treatment of this antiseptic have very much removed the layers of deep dead skin on my left hand in particular.. but both hands very generally… I will not apparently have to whittle a finger out of the callus here.

I spent last evening preparing for my move tomorrow.. I had substantially unpacked in the room and spent time packing again. Put one big suit case in the car trunk where it may stay for quite a while and got the rest of the place organized so I can do it pretty easily tonight when I get done and get out so I can be on time for work in the morning. Then tomorrow night in a new place!!! Maybe there will be more of my peers living there. But for sure some sunshine by the pool next chance I get and the access to the gym for workouts.

Time for CSI and some time with my feet up in the air.... hope you all have a great day...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Happy new home to you! JJ

7:08 AM  

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