
This is kind of typical of rural Lousiana as far as I can see. Get just 4 or 5 miles outside places like Baton Rouge and people live in places like this. Notice how they are elevated up on pilings... Saw things similar to this in Belize and also the Yucatan from the locals there.

Another ramshackle pace.. but they are in such pretty locations. Everyone sits outside on their porches rain or shine. Must be too hot inside no matter what the day

This is a Catholic church near the DMORT. There is storm damage still evident on the front and also the rear of the steeple. There is a quite old cemetary behind this place too. Very pretty in the country like this
Ok.. this last pic is of the DMORT, the new and at the time of this photograph, unoccupied, DMORT. Just seconds after this picture was taken we were rounded up by the security forces of our National Police (odd black uniforms) and detained long enough for them to establish our identity. We were on the Levee with our backs to the Mississippi nearly 400 yards from the facility when we took them. Lets say it was not a comfortable moment... :-)... I resisted the urge to be a wise ass and we were eventually released... oddly enough. it was my fema credit card that convinced them we were not terrorists bent on stealing bodies or news people trying to stir up trouble. Who says I cannot show a girl a good time eh?? Who WOULD NOT like a sunday afternoon in handcuffs after a quiet picture taking episode eh??

The front building you can see left of the phone pole is where I work and is over 400 feet long. They are almost triangular in cross section and made of the same material of the DIA roof. I can attest they do not leak after a deluge last night.